Articles and Fiction Extracts
"The Sword of God" (short story; extract)
"Lucent Carbon" (short story; extract)
"Who's Afraid of the Brave New World?" (What, exactly, is wrong with the society in Huxley's novel? Is it relevant to technological and social developments in our own society? Not as relevant as some people claim.)
"Singularity Shadow" (article on computer superintelligence, ahead of its time in 1998)
"Women and Physics, Philosophy and Cyberspace" (challenges the views of Margaret Wertheim)
"Margaret Somerville and the Perils of Bioethics" (my response to Margaret Somerville's The Ethical Canary)
"Bioethics versus Liberal Society" (After Margaret Somerville replied to me, this was my further response - in fairness anyone reading this should also find what Somerville wrote on between.)
"Genetics, Ethics and the State" (human cloning, genetic engineering, etc)
"Stephen Jay Gould on Science and Religion" (Gould argued that there is no overlap between religion and science; for better or worse, there is)
"Singer's Plea for Selflessness" (on Peter Singer's philosophy and the burdens of utilitarian ethics)
"The Supposed Rights of the Fetus" (a bioethical article dealing with abortion, etc.)
"The Sword of God" (short story; extract)
"Lucent Carbon" (short story; extract)
"Who's Afraid of the Brave New World?" (What, exactly, is wrong with the society in Huxley's novel? Is it relevant to technological and social developments in our own society? Not as relevant as some people claim.)
"Singularity Shadow" (article on computer superintelligence, ahead of its time in 1998)
"Women and Physics, Philosophy and Cyberspace" (challenges the views of Margaret Wertheim)
"Margaret Somerville and the Perils of Bioethics" (my response to Margaret Somerville's The Ethical Canary)
"Bioethics versus Liberal Society" (After Margaret Somerville replied to me, this was my further response - in fairness anyone reading this should also find what Somerville wrote on between.)
"Genetics, Ethics and the State" (human cloning, genetic engineering, etc)
"Stephen Jay Gould on Science and Religion" (Gould argued that there is no overlap between religion and science; for better or worse, there is)
"Singer's Plea for Selflessness" (on Peter Singer's philosophy and the burdens of utilitarian ethics)
"The Supposed Rights of the Fetus" (a bioethical article dealing with abortion, etc.)